Md. Kasab : A Symbol of Terrorism

Md. Kasab got the death sentence. This outcome was almost certain. Public Prosecutor Mr. Nikam correctly named Md. Kasab as a ‘killing machine’ made in a factory of hate. How a boy of barely 20 years can be a maniac and remorseless killer is almost impossible to understand. The thoughtless acts of terrorism, sponsored by our neighbor, left many dead and many more wounded in body and soul. Death for Kasab may put some balm on their scars.

But, I fear that Kasab’s fate is going to be similar as of Afzal Guru. His hanging will be delayed in one pretext or another. Political parties will fight it over on roads and in Parliament. Bandhs will be called. Public property will be destroyed. Headlines will be made . . . As ordinary citizens we shall be watching helplessly and wondering about our great democracy.

Another twist is also expected. Pakistan now wants Md. Kasab back. It has also stated that Kasab’s trial and court proceedings in Hindi and all the evidence collected by Indian agencies are not acceptable in a Pakistani court. So, let us hand him over to Pakistan. Pakistan will declare him a national hero. He will go back and write a book about great Indian hospitality. The book will sell like a hot cake and Kasab will be a rich man.


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