Sachin . . Many More Landmarks

Happy Birthday to you, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar !
I believe every era has its significance and the same holds true for players and coaches.’Sachin said during one of his many interviews. Correct, but a player and a person like Sachin Tendulkar is a rarity. He belongs to all the eras. There are very few records, he does not hold. He is in constant public glare for so long, yet there it is impossible to put a negative finger on him—on and off the field. Sachin plays gentlemen’s game. With his clean conduct and non-controversial approach he has proved to be a true gentleman.
Sachin was born on this very day in 1973 at Mumbai. Today he is the undisputed king of cricket. He is regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket. India loves him, people around the world adore him. His fans and younger cricket players regard him as God. Yet, he is humble and helpful. He smiles like a child and plays like an artist. I pray, he remains same for next 100 years and play with same intensity. Happy Birthday !! Many more landmarks, no doubt, awaits you.


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