Agatha Christie : A New Mystery

Agatha Christie was a writer of mystery, one of my favourite ones. It is astonishing that even after her death in 1976 (12 January), the excitement of mystery is still following her—thirty four years after her death.
A recent news item caught my eye. A rusted leather trunk, once owned by Agatha Christie, is said to have revealed one of the author's last mysteries—a haul of forgotten jewels worth up to £100,000. According to British newspaper ‘Sun’ one Ms. Jennifer Grant bought the box for £100 at auction and realized something was inside. To her amazement she found it contained a metal strong-box. After wrenching that open, she discovered the long forgotten hoard of Christie family treasures. Among them were over 50 gold coins, a buckle-shaped brooch and what is thought to be Agatha's mother’s diamond engagement ring. The trunk bears the initials CMM—the same as Christie's mother Clara Margaret Miller.
Ms. Jennifer Grant had the jewels valued by Mr. John Benjamin, of the BBC’s ‘Antiques Roadshow’. And Mr. Benjamin said, ‘‘If we can prove these are the Christie family diamonds who knows what someone will be willing to pay?’’
Incidently, 2010 is Agatha Christie’s 120th anniversary year and all lovers of her mesmerising stories will like to see her legacy alive. And, a real mystery about her family jewels can certainly prove a hot topic.


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